Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Making Progress

I have never had a blog before, so this is an interesting endeavor!  I'm willing to give it a go to document the progress of our humanitarian project!

Let's start by defining who the Humanitarian Hearts are.  We are a group of about 30 individuals who work for JetBlue Airways who are interested in giving back to our fellow man.  Our plan is to visit La Romana in the Dominican Republic to provide humanitarian service to those living in poor conditions in their villages, or Bateyes.  Not only will it be an immensely rewarding experience, it will be a great way to support JetBlue's mission of "Inspiring Humanity.'

We've been lucky to have a contact through JetBlue's group department.  Bob Beck with Laromana.org often books missionary groups to travel to the Dominican Republic to work with him, which is how we came to know him.  It is with his guidance that we are able to plan this trip.  He set up different activities to serve in the area,  providing accommodations for a very reasonable price, transportation for your stay, interpreters if needed, and meals.  

The difficulty comes in the preparation to go.  Since JetBlue is a 24hr operation, it is virtually impossible to get all thirty people to attend meetings.  We won't let that stop us though!

What we've been working on lately:

Meeting at the Park
While in the Dominican Republic, we plan to have a party at the orphanage so preparations are on the way for that.  Apparently the children absolutely Love Baseball, so we are collecting equipment to take with us for a spectacular baseball game which we anticipate losing dramatically since most of us don't play.  Since I have trouble just connecting the ball and the bat, I offered to be the cheerleader instead of playing, but the other Humanitarian Hearts will hear none of that!

We are also working on a 5k walk/run to be held in the beginning of October.  This is a wonderful opportunity to raise money for the trip!  We are excited to be able to offer a couple of round trip flights as incentive for participating since JetBlue was so kind to donate them.  They have also agreed to match the amount of monetary contributions we raise!  May i just say - I love JetBlue?! 

Collecting Clothing Donations
Another project we are preparing for is to put together outfits for a family group - Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister - which will be provided to those in need.  We'll take these with us when we travel to the Dominican Republic and deliver them at the same time we distribute food.

As far as fundraising - I'm trying to think of an idea involving Kickstarter.com.  It would be awesome to create a book about our experience. I wonder what the response would be for donations? I think I might try it out ... If anyone has had personal experience with Kickstarter.com - please leave a message and share your insight.  

School work, housework, and my family are calling ... so I'll write more later.  Have a wonderful day!