Friday, October 18, 2013

Wow!  I have been busy!  School has been much more of a chore than normal.  Thank goodness I have such an awesome JetBlue "family."  Crewmembers really came through for me when I needed surveys filled out for a research project.  It went really well! 
On to Humanitarian Hearts business ....
I'm happy to introduce Stacey!  (The cutie in the hat.)
She is super excited to return to the beautiful Dominican Republic - this time to provide humanitarian service for the people of the bateyes in La Romana. She is looking forward to our trip and truly believes it will be a life-changing experience.
What to share about Stacy ... ?
She is single, and has three beautiful, daughters, a wonderful son-in-law and two adorable grandchildren (Jacy - 5 and Quin - 2).
She works part-time for JetBlue but is also a certified Paralegal and has a love for teaching.  She has a passion for traveling and does it as much as she can.  She counts herself lucky that she was able to visit Egypt before it became hostile - it is one of her most favorite trips!  
You may have noticed her attire in the picture above.  If so, I bet you can guess that she is an avid Utah Ute football fan!  She says her season begins with the opening game, and ends on the last! (There's no question of where she'll be Saturday's ... I know she's in the crowd out there somewhere!)

Some other interesting facts?
After football season, she enjoys water skiing and wake boarding.
She is a twin! (I had no idea!!)
Her dad invented and built the sonar equipment used to find the Titanic, and was there when it was found!  How awesome is that?!


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