Sunday, September 8, 2013

In A Sing-Song Mood

Like I mentioned last time - I will be adding information about each of our group members as I receive their responses from the survey I sent out. 

I'm humming the tune to "Mickey" by Tom Basil.  I guess it's because there is a version of the song called "Hey Nikki"  and the first person to get back to me was Nicki!  

Nicki shares that she has never been out of the country but she is totally looking forward to it!  Despite the fact that we will only be in LaRomana for a short time, she plans on diving in and working hard at whatever they need of her.  She also plans to share her compassion by giving lots of hugs to the people out there!

As for her everyday life?  She works full time at JetBlue helping large groups book their reservations. Despite the fact that she loves her job, she says she'd quit and do volunteer work all day if she could because it keeps her grounded. As it is, she tries to stay active in the community by devoting her time to service projects when she's able.  What she didn't mention in her survey is that she is the mastermind of our 5K.  Without her knowledge and experience we would not have this amazing fundraising opportunity!  It's one of those jobs that is  more easily accomplished on your own, so none of us really knows how much work she has put into setting up the event so far.  I'm sure it has taken many, many hours and many, many calls and headaches, for her to find the staging ground and a route in Saratoga, Utah.  The rest of us are at the starting line, awaiting the signal to start our assignments for the next stage of preparation!  If no one has told you lately - We Love You Nicki!  

UPDATE: Join the 5K!!

Hmmm ... what else has she shared?  She's still married to the man of her dreams.  (Ok, she didn't specifically say "man of her dreams," but you can kind of infer that after 20 years and the fact that she "loves date night."  Say it with me ... "Awwww, how sweet!") 

With her fabulous guy, they are raising 4 kids (ages 10-18) ... three of them teenagers!  (Ever heard that song by My Chemical Romance ?) Can you say stress?  How does she have the wits to set up an event?  She says she's lucky to have great kids!

Speaking of songs ... how 'bout the Steve Miller Band?  "I'm a joker, I'm a smoker, I'm a mid-night toker" ... This is what I first thought of when I read the sentence about her hobbies.  Haha!  No - she's definitely not any of those things in the song, but ... 

She's a "cyclist", she's a "runner", she's an awe-some "swimmer"...  
She actually says she's not fast or anything, but I think fast is a relative term.  I'm positive I'd classify her as fast!

She also loves to cook, loves the outdoors, loves the beach (which is a special kind of outdoors that deserves its own mention) ... and again ... Loves Date Night.

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