Monday, September 9, 2013

Rollin', Rollin', Rollin' - Who Got This Project Rolling ?

You may be wondering who had the gusto to start this whole adventure .... so I'd like to introduce the fabulous and beautiful Julie!

(Applause ... applause ...!! )   

She has truly put a lot of effort into getting things rolling.  I know its got to drive her bonkers when trying to get everyone together for meetings.  Schedules vary widely with a 24-hr operation so it's not an easy task - but she never falters in her dedication to making sure we all make it to LaRomana!

I'm curious .... In your opinion, what are the "obvious" places for a US citizen to travel to?  I'm curious because Julie says she has been out of the country a few times to "obvious" places such as Banff, Canada; several destination in Mexico with Puerta Vallarta being her favorite; and Jamaica-Ochos Rios, Nassau.  I have never been to Any of those places!  I've got to catch up!  :)

To look at her you'd never guess that she's been married for over 20 years to her husband Troy. Their 21st Anniversary is next month - Congratulations!! 

Julie - if you read this - let me know what you do for your anniversary - I need ideas!

OMG!  I just - at this very moment - realized that I will be leaving to La Romana directly after my 21st Anniversary!!  How could I have overlooked that?! I wonder if Devin has been thinking about that all along!  I've got to make this year's anniversary super special!!

okay .. okay ... suppress the panic .... back on point!

Julie and Troy have 3 lovely children - one of whom is serving an LDS mission in Fort Lauderdale, Florida!  I know she is very proud of him because she talks of him often.  We wish he could come with us to LaRomana because apparently he speaks Haitian Creole! What an asset he would have been!   Kaiti is a senior in high school and is actually part of the Humanitarian Hearts. She will be traveling with us so I'm eager to get to know her. Last, but never least, there is Max who is an 8th grader!  

When it comes to her children, she wants to let Nicki know: 
"Nicki may think her kids are the best ... I would beg to differ!!  HA!"

... I'll just let 'em both think what they want because I know the truth!  It's my children who are the best!  ;)   haha!

Julie works with me on the Values Committee at JetBlue as well - but she is a Chair Person - the head honcho of her sub-committee.  ;)  She has been making a difference for crew members for the last three years!  What's obvious (unlike where US citizens travel .. haha) is her dedication to service.  She took an idea that was being casually talked about - serving in impoverished areas - and turned it into a reality!  I admire her very much.

So what does Julie do when she isn't out saving the world?
She is a "TV JUNKIE" (said in her own words!)

Since she brought it up I have to share that I can totally attest to her admission!

When at work one night she said something - in a panicked voice - about missing the Bachelorette!  I'm thinking, "Oh man!  That's horrible!  Who's getting married?"  She sheepishly says ... oh no ... its just the TV show.  LOL!  I've never talked to anyone who watches it!  She is indeed unique!  (For any other unique individuals out there - forgive my sensibilities.  haha)

In addition to the Bachelorette (cough) she enjoys reality TV shows, and Jeopardy.  ("Mostly because I am pretty competitive," she says.)  
                                  Think back to her comment to Nicki - hehe.  
                                                     Also notice that the Bachelorette doesn't qualify as "reality" ... ;)

She also shared something special with me ... 

She has spoken from the pulpit at the Assembly Hall on Temple Square here in Salt Lake City!  

 It doesn't hold the 21,000 people that the new Conference Center holds ... but speaking in front of 1,400 people is still quite impressive in my book!   O,O

So that about sums Julie up when squished into a little blog!

She wants to remind everyone to remember to meet at her house this Saturday "to work on the family packs"!

                         "Can't wait to see you!"

As for me, I hope to continue with introductions ... but I have a HUGE school project that is due this Friday so it might be a few days before I do.  (Unless I get bored and procrastinate some more - which would be a VERY BAD thing.)

So, until next time - Adios!

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