Friday, September 13, 2013

The Perfect Team!

Oh My Goodness!  

I'm doing it ... avoiding my school project again!  It's like I have no control!  I guess I'm much more excited about the Humanitarian Hearts.  My excuse this time is that in an hour I have to get ready to go to Arianna's Cross Country meet, so I don't want to get all wrapped up in school that I forget about it.  (Like writing a blog doesn't have that potential too ....?)

Well, the decision is made ... and the excuse is kind of legitimate ... so forward I go!

I’m truly honored to introduce you to Brent and Kelly Van Sickle!

When I asked, "What excites you most about this service project?" I loved their answer!
We are Flipping excited about it all! :)  We are excited to go with this great group of people and help/serve a small group of people in the DR, what a great opportunity this will be!

Kelly is not a novice with providing humanitarian services in other countries!  She served an LDS Welfare mission to the island of Mindanao in the Philippines in 1988. (Don't be embarrassed if you have to look it up - I did too.)  (In addition to serving her mission in the Philippines, she has also visited Aruba.)

Amazingly she already had a big accomplishment under her belt prior to her mission - she had finished her nursing degree!  As a Welfare Sister she focused on health and safety practices among the people.  It was striking to her that she had to spend more time teaching the people how to understand how to get healthy rather than stay health. 

Her passion for those in need has continued in many forms:  She served on the PTA board for 13 years as President Elect and President.  While working part time in JetBlue's Customer Support department, she has found time to be part of the Values Committee as well as the JetBlue Ready Team. I'm sure it was a humbling experience to travel as part of the Ready Team and see the devastation after Hurricane Sandy.  She remarks that, "Even though this was in the US, we had to practice safe water techniques and teach people how to clean /test the water ... and also helping people in an evacuation situation." 
Both Kelly and Brent's passion for service overflows - and touches everyone in their family and everyone they know:
We have experienced in the past the feeling of thanks and gratitude; and a feeling of accomplishment when we are allowed to go help/serve others.  Our religion has taught us that service to others is a Christ-like attitude. Both of our parents have taught that service is a way of life. We have tried to teach our children to recognize when someone is in need and even if they turn you down for help, if you see that they need the help, "grab the shovel" and just start helping.  Instead of a no, you usually see a smile or a slap on the back in thanks.  There are opportunities to help all around, look for them, find them, then go and do it! 
Speaking of their children ... they have 9 kids together!  

When they married, Kelly had a 5-year-old, and through Brent she gained 7 children and 6 grandchildren!  Several years later Little Red, their youngest, came along.  There are still two other children living at home, both who are attending Utah Valley University. (Jamin - 18 and Connor - 21)  Connor has recently returned from a Spanish Speaking LDS Mission and is also working for JetBlue!  (Maybe we can coerce Connor into coming with us to LaRomana - it would be nice to have another translator!)  

I should also mention that Kelly is in charge of the party we will have at the orphanage in LaRomana!  Her Plans are well on their way.  (And she has promised to take pictures as she works to keep us all apprised of her progress - so be looking for updates!)  She is the perfect person to take on the task, because most of these kids have a passion for the same sport that she and Brent do ... Baseball!

This family LOVES Baseball!!

Before Little Red was born the family got together to come up with baby names ... it was between Easton and Barry Bonds.  Haha!  I'm happy to report that Little Red was named Easton. Each family member has their own take on who the best team is as well.  Brent and Kelly love the Angels (having grown up in Anaheim), Jamin loves the Braves, and Easton loves the Dodgers!   What about Connor you ask?  He's out in left field ... with no particular interest period! 

Brent and Kelly have a combined total of 20 years of volunteerism with Baseball Boards as their children participated in the sport throughout the years!  Brent hit a home run while living in Price, UT the year they hosted the West Coast Little League World Series.  He headed up the baseball field's renovation and due to his inspired idea; he received permission to pick up inmates to work in the field to get it done in time.  

Extra Tidbits about this Terrific Team?
Brent loves building and designing in their home, he is very talented! 
Kelly loves to travel, sew and make cards - and though she doesn't like to cook, she "loves to eat!"

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